
The study of holisticology is designed to enhance an individual’s capability for self-discovery, self-development, and inner awareness. Unlike other self-development courses in Dubai, holisticology applies a multi-pronged approach that equips an individual for both training and treatment. For the purpose of treatment, holisticology introduces health philosophies aimed at applying an Integrated Holistic Approach to achieve a comprehensive well-being and personal development. Training courses in this field include Holistic Health Checkup and Programming, Psycho-spiritual counselling, Meditative art-therapy, Bio-energy healing, and Therapeutic Eastern-movements. On the other hand, the study of holisticology for training at Lotus Educational Institution is advanced through a three-module syllabus which includes various sub-subjects as well.

Part One: Holistic Well-being Studies

Through this personal development program, students in Dubai are introduced to the different realms of holistic health in different recognized ancient systems for wellness and well-being. The basic goal of this course is to establish a general knowledge of a healthy life style among the students, and its importance in furthering self-development.

Part Two: Holistic Well-being Skills

The secondary level of this self-development course will cover the essence of the body-mind zone, with special attention to the power of breathing, oriental movements, and the importance of a healthy diet. It will discuss concepts behind effective relationships, visualization & positive thinking, concentration, relaxation, and meditation. Additionally, similar to other comprehensive personal development training courses, it seeks to sow the philosophies of self-confidence & self-motivation, anger/stress management, and art therapy and creativity among learners.

Part Three: Holistic Personal Development

After completing the two courses mentioned above, students should have already gained a firm understanding of the idea behind achieving balance between the mind and body. This course is a comprehensive teaching, coaching and training programme for total personal development. Training courses in this programme are designed to achieve holistic personal development based on individual goals and needs. However, unlike other self-development courses in Dubai, students will be guided in how one can achieve a more targeted focus towards distinguished improvement at work and life through topics such as spiritual solutions, rules of happiness and success, codes of morality and ethics, and enlightenment and inner awareness.


The Holistic Training and Counselling programme at Lotus features personal development training courses that revolve around the promotion of three unique comprehensive realms of healing:

Holistic Physical-Health: Therapeutic Eastern Movements

Movement therapy refers to a broad range of Eastern movement approaches used to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Meditation Techniques: Meditation is an ancient discipline involving contemplation in order to establish order within an individual. This mind-based therapy promotes a re-balancing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies of an individual.

Stress Relief-Management: Stress is the erroneous activation of the “danger alarm” system of the brain. The biological purpose of this system is to help prepare us for dealing with real, physical danger. Eastern Movement Therapy Movement therapy makes use of a broad range of Eastern movements in order to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being in order to reduce stress levels.

Accu-points therapy: This is an Eastern therapeutic technique that promotes the re-balancing of an individual’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies through the most effective techniques of acupressure and reflexology.

Holistic Mental-Health: Art Therapy and Stress Management

This is variation of therapy is a combination of visual arts and holistic healing. Throughout human history, art has always figured prominently in daily living. Long ago it was used in ancient religious ceremonies as well as in healing people, and in 1981, Art Therapy was officially accepted as a therapeutic field in America. Today, it is a recognized as a method of therapy in education and training. From a neurophysiological point of view, the human body is capable of changing from the stress status to deep relaxation, and from fear to creativity and inspiration. Healing originates from the inside, and art releases the body’s inner healing energy, which improves the performance of the immune system. Additionally, it initiates inner active motivation, and enhances creativity and self-awareness.

Holistic Spiritual Health: Holistic Personal Development

The holistic training programme is designed for individuals who are looking to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities through the comprehensive study of the different aspects of humanity. The course features weekly scheduled two-hour sessions that will run for a period of six months for each course subject. This comprehensive personal development programme aims to promote holistic development by equipping an individual with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve all the aspects of his being, including Psycho-Spiritual awareness. (Terms and conditions with advanced interview are required).